

FaithWeaver HomeConnect – Winter 2009-2010, Week 02 (December 13)

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Date: Sunday, December 13, 2009
Week 2: John Prepares People for Jesus’ Coming (Luke 3:7-18)
Bible Point: Repenting prepares us for Jesus.



Enjoy these two “cleaning” sites. The first gives a list for last-minute house cleaning when guests are expected. The second site shares a song about a clean heart. As a family, make your own list of what you would do if someone called, giving you only a 30-minute warning of his or her arrival. Discuss how and what you would wash, dust, or remove from sight. Then make a second list. This time, write down what you feel you’d need to do to “cleanup” spiritually if Jesus were about to visit your heart.

Ask a family member to pray. Commit to God that you will endeavor to have a clean heart.